Arctic Secrets

Arctic Secrets is the first boutique high-end computer builder focusing solely on the European market.

Arctic Secrets is the first boutique high-end computer builder focusing solely on the European market.
We are real computer enthousiasts and we put all of our passion into making the best possible computer systems in the world today.

Arctic Secrets is based in Susteren, The Netherlands close to the most important logistic hub of the country, which is located in Venlo. This allows us to distribute our computer systems across Europe quickly and effectively.
Our engineers are the best in their field of work with many years of experience and will assure that you will receive a perfectly customized system which completely suits your requirements.
Next to this we focus on delevoping new hardware and software to further improve our systems and make them even more unique.

We strive towards perfection at all times by providing our customers with high-end computer systems, using high quality components, offering premium service and a short lead time.
